According to Valorant, surrenders work the same way as they do in the game. A month after Valorant‘s release, a surrender option has been added, but most players do not know how to surrender.
The surrender button is available in the menu. By ensuring that the vote is passed by the remaining members of the team, the opposing team will win the remaining rounds.
The option of surrendering out ahead of a match’s conclusion has been added. The players can declare an early surrender if they do not wish to continue playing. The surrendering team needs to have all its players vote “yes” (depends on mode) in order to gain approval.
By typing in the chat room, you can surrender by typing “/ff”, “/forfeit”, “/concede”, and “/surrender”. The chat window opens by pressing the Enter key (or pressing the tab key if you already know how).
There’s only one problem. You won’t able to vote or call for surrender before round five. Voters’ options will be queued for the next round if there is a call for a vote. During the buy phase, the surrender vote, however, is almost immediately available. The winning team would get credit for each round of the 13-match series if a surrender vote were to be carried through. However, the losing team would not be credited for a surrender vote.
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A surrender vote will be called when you call it or when someone else calls it, and you have the option to vote “/yes” or “/no”, as well as the default F5(yes) and F6(no) keys. You will have to concede the match prematurely if all five of your team members agree to surrender.
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In games such as 4v5, surrendering is like losing the last remaining rounds, so it should only be used in situations where a player has left and the game appears hopeless. If the game is still 5v5 and your team is heavily out-skilled by the other team, surrendering is usually a bad idea. This is true even if you’re completely certain that your team can’t win another round.
Reduce Surrenders: How to Do It
Several methods can be used to try and stop surrenders from coming in continually:
- If you play a five stack with friends, you will learn to communicate more effectively and play better.
- The more you can afford, the more you should buy what other players want. In the right hands, a good gun can prove whether a team fight will be won or lost.
- Use the in-game chat and voice chat to communicate with randoms.
- It's nice to be nice - there can be fewer surrenders if you play diplomatically. You'll be better off if you're friendly.